Tag Archives: Christmas



  • 2009 – Snow remained on the ground from the Christmas Eve blizzard.
  • 2000 – Record rainfall of nearly 2″ fell during the evening with temperatures from 32°F to 34°F with some minor freezing rain. However, severe freezing rain occurred north and northeast of the Metroplex.
  • 1997 – A few flurries were mixed with rain during the evening. The next morning a blanket of up to ½” of snow covered portions of the Metroplex.
  • 1975 – 0.4″ of snow fell on the first almost white Christmas in nearly 50 years.
  • 1974 – A trace of sleet was reported.
  • 1963 – No snow remained from a 2″ snowfall on December 22.
  • 1929 – One of the heaviest snow events in Texas history occurred on December 21.  From Clifton to Hillsboro, 24-26 inches of snow fell.  A long swath of snowfall in excess of 12 inches stretched from Goldthwaite and Lampasas to Corsicana and Athens.  The Waco and Temple/Killeen areas saw 10-16 inches of snow, but only a trace of snow was recorded in Dallas/Fort Worth.
  • 1926 – 2″ of snow fell in Fort Worth but melted by afternoon. Dallas received 6.3″ of snow.
  • 1914 – There was a trace of snow recorded with a few brief flurries.
  • 1887 –  A severe ice storm occurred on December 23, resulting in numerous downed trees and telegraph lines.  Heavy snow followed on Christmas Eve, with as much as 9 inches falling in Palestine.
  • 1879 – 1″ of sleet and snow was on the ground. It was said that the snow and sleet was so compacted that a horse’s hoof did not leave an imprint in the snow.
  • 1841 – Three soldiers from a nearby fort were tracking a bear in 6″ of snow near what is now White Rock Lake.



  • 2009 – Rare blizzard conditions impacted portions of North Texas. As much as 9 inches of snow fell in Jacksboro and Bowie, and winds in excess of 50 mph resulted in drifts of 3 to 5 feet. For Dallas/Fort Worth, it was the first measurable Christmas Eve snowfall on record.
  • 2002 – There were a few snow flurries across North Central Texas on Christmas Eve. Many locations in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex reported light snow.
  • 1975 – Following a continuous cold rain most of the day, a trace of flurries was recorded. Most of the snow melted as it fell.
  • 1963 – 2″ of snow had fallen on December 22. 1″ remained on the following day, the day prior to Christmas Eve, but only a trace remained on Christmas Eve with a low of 22°F.
  • 1955 – This hot day reached a record high of 88°F.
  • 1943 – Flurries fell from 7:30-8:00 PM. There was little accumulation after a sub-freezing day (28°F-32°F) with 0.15″ of freezing rain.