We are pleased to release the latest website layout for DFW Weather. One of the biggest changes you will notice right away is that the navigation menu has now moved from the left hand side to across the top in the header section. The website no longer has a separate mobile page. The site has been redesigned on a grid with modular sections that will realign itself based on the screen size and orientation of the device you are accessing it on. In addition, the weather alerts script is now fully working and improved. Weather alerts will appear at the top under the navigation bar in a red box on every page except the news/blog page. You can click on the county and a modal will pop-up with the full alert message.

While we have tried to test and work out as many kinks as possible, there still may be somethings that do not quite work as they should. We will continually be making adjustments along the way. It should be noted that older phones and browsers may not be compatible with the new design. Please make sure you access using a mobile device not older than five years old and that you use the latest desktop version of your browser.